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Fan Membership

Love the Raptors? Join our Club Membership for just €3 Per Month. Support us on our journey through the Czech Football Pyramid!  Subscribe through Paypal.

Support our awesome charity partners like Street Child - Any profits we make go to great charities.

Invitation to 1 match per season where you can watch with us, grab free drinks and meet the players

Annual Free Gift, discounts on Raptors Merchandise &  entrance to our Annual Awards ceremony

Pride in supporting our club rise through the Czech leagues in both Men's & Women's competitions

The Small Print
Charges will be made at 3 euros per month until you cancel your subscription.
The invitation to our Awards Ceremony will include entrance to the event but not include any other costs (travel, accommodation, drinks, food).
Invitations to games will happen on an individual basis - please contact us when you want to attend a game and we will organise for you to meet the players. One of our management team will sort you out with 1 free drink before, during & after the match (3 in total). 1 Game per season per subscription.
At Christmas of each season we will send you out a free Raptors gift!
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